“What a Riot!”, a project initiated by CAP and eventually spearheaded by Mady Schutzman, is a prime example of effective use of one Augusto Boal’s many forms of theatrical community engagement: the Joker System. To summarize, the Joker System takes on a historical character or event as a point of discussion, where participants can share and debate opinions or feelings about this particular subject. The Joker System also includes a chorus (or two) “that sings, dances, complains, rallies, and talks directly to the audience” (Schutzman, 4). Something I appreciated about the Joker System approach was the ability for this community of youth to identify a common feeling that was represented in a real life experience: in this case that of Rodney King and Claudette Colvin. While Schutzman clarifies that most of the teens she was working with were part of the latino community, she explores how the students found similarity and representation in the stories of Rodney King...