By Kevin Crisostomo
There are so many topics in regards to the law enforcement/police and the prison system. Where to start, what to focus on or tackle, what to even do about it.. It’s tough and it’s complicated. I grew up respecting and loving law enforcement and always thought they were heroes held to the highest standards. I have family and friends in law enforcement. I still respect them and I appreciate the hard work that they do, but as I grew older and faced personal situations on my own with them, I lost my trust in them and in the system. With an industry and job that they have, why do I feel like that they too can be bad guys? There’s countless stories and incidents out there.. Facts.. that make you wonder how do so many cops get away with actions that would otherwise throw someone else who did the same action in jail or facing worse penalties. I’m not saying they all do something bad, but two is too many. And there’s way more than two situations.
The prison system itself is flawed. I feel like there’s a wicked black hole in which majority of inmates, innocent and guilty, who fall into this black hole will find themselves stuck in a system where their future is on a decline if not already at rock bottom. Does the prison system even truly rehabilitate? Sure, there are plenty of programs that can help inmates, but does that help the fact that their personal record is in jeopardy to the public and society? Would they ever be able to pursue their dreams again or get decent jobs as the individual that they are? Or are they stuck in doing hard labor jobs for most of the rest of their lives? Does jail even provide a great place for rehab in addition to punishment? The prison system is a big money maker, and who doesn’t want their money? In this post, I’ll share two few little insights, links included.
A police officer kicks a teenager in the back as the teen walks away. I don’t have to explain how many ways you can keep a teenager from walking away, anyone with common sense can figure out a handful of ways to keep a person from walking away that doesn’t include aggressive physical actions such as a blunt kick. How about walking up to them and wrapping your arms around them, to start? Full grown adult police officer… and teenager. Why the wrong choice of use of force? And this is to start. What about all the individuals gunned down without having a gun? I know police need to defend themselves, but I think they need way more training… and I thought they’d already have that. Too quick to judge, and using means that are truly deadly rather than using the other non-lethal tools they are provided.
Conditions in jails. It’s totally horrible in there. County jails are the worst and I feel like they aren’t truly designed to even remotely help inmates or address total safety. The programming isn’t perfect. With how much the prison system makes, you’d think living conditions are at least better than living in the slums of a 3rd world country. These environments allow for inmates to mistreat each other and law enforcement officials to mistreat inmates. The mentally ill isn’t safe. The food is horrible. In addition, an excerpt from the article with the link below, “...Next week’s three-day visit comes at a time when civil rights watchdogs are criticizing conditions in local jails, citing excessive violence, mistreatment of mentally ill inmates and unhealthy living conditions. A decade ago, the Orange County Grand Jury criticized deputies at Theo Lacy jail, saying they encouraged violence among inmates, played video games and watched TV while on duty.”
Witness tampering, illegal use of jailhouse informants, the flawed county court system, deputies not doing their job or slacking on their responsibilities, and just the entire system not doing the best it can to do what they are expected to successfully do. “The report notes that despite years of complaints of violence and poor conditions in the Orange County jail system, Hutchens and the county Board of Supervisors have “turned a blind eye to this abuse and misconduct,” and no deputy has ever been formally charged in an incident of prisoner abuse by jail personnel.”
In GQ magazine, a former officer explains how cops can get away with murder.
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