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Showing posts from March, 2019

Macy Rupp-Roof is on Fire response

1. CONTEXT: What were the circumstances that framed the meaning and process of this project?  Several things framed the meaning and process of this project.  Primarily, portrayal of “inner-city” youth in the media was the motivator for this project.  Events like lake and LA riots in such close proximity to the performance of the Roof is on Fire also provided a much more interesting grounding for the timing of the project.  2. CONTENT: What was the issue, need, idea or opportunity addressed by this project? Issues such as sex, abortion, race, financial income, and family were addressed and became the topic of this performance piece but specifically in relation to how these issues related to the teens.  The need for this discussion to come from teens is vital because teens are a direct reflection on how our culture is positively or negatively affecting society.  3: FORM: What is the medium that was used to address or embody the content? I would argue that performance

Tataviam tribe write up

Andrew Moore Tataviam tribe March 20, 2019 The tataviam tribe and Santa clarita Going to calarts allows me to study about native Americans as people and not subjects. With no classes about general history of the natives from America and more classes about how we view and treat native people as others. But outside of class, how can I relate my ancestry to the ground I stand on?          My grandfather lived on the reservation in Arizona. He was originally from the Hopi tribe, which was absorbed into an amalgamation tribe called the Colorado river indians. I never got to visit him because of a broken connection with my father. I realize now it is my responsibility to learn who I am and who my people were. It is no use ignorantly identifying, it is very important to represent this side of me well, for the sake of those that could not rise up in the past.          The Tataviam tribe derived their name from the sun, specifically meaning people facing the sun. Living all across Los Ang

Tuition meeting

Speaking point: We have spent over 60 thousand dollars on this school so far, we have tolerated the raise each year. At some point we do not have more money to give and we are pushed out along with all of our debt including interest. With this false start we lack the motivation to attend another school in the future, therefore leaving us uneducated and in debt. Other than the knowledge gained, this would be a waste of two years of my life and in fact sets me back in my career.

Research- Andrew Moore

My first year at calarts, I was unfortunately raveled in a title 9 investigation revolving sexual misconduct. While I was not a involved directly, I was a bystander and very good friend to the person who started the investigation. I was asked by the affected person to be interviewed for evidence. My experience in the interview room with the investigator was anything but reassuring. I was asked to give my side of the story, but I was pushed by questions asked by the investigator that were geared towards finding the attacker innocent. I used to have trust in the government ability to handle situations like this justly, but I was disappointed to see that the disgusting stories that I've heard about victim blaming and non-fiction. The fact that it was unraveling itself before my eyes was very surprising. Unfortunately the person stayed in the dorms on campus through all of this and at the end of the year there was an even more dramatic event involving the same person and another gir